Making music with brain and body electricity

The use of physiological signals from the human brain and body in human-computer interaction has become a major research area in physiological computing. Musicians have been at the forefront of the development of digital musical instruments adopting physiological interfaces, but their efforts have remained at the experimental level, often isolated from the relevant scientific communities. 

The Body Brain Digital Musical Instrument (BBDMI) project aims to develop a digital musical instrument using electrophysiological signals from the human body: the electromyogram (EMG) from muscle contraction and the electroencephalogram (EEG) from brain activity.  It combines musical organology with biomedical technologies in a modular and accessible manner to make a system that can be used by musicians, artists and educators without specialised knowledge in neuroscience and signal analysis. The instrument will represent a new interface for musical creation that can benefit several distinct user communities: experimental musicians, instrumentalists, and cultural mediation practitioners working in the world of autism and disabled audiences.



2020 - 2022

A playful wearable instrument

GripBeats® isn't just any ordinary musical instrument; it's wearable. And because it's wearable, it uses your hands' movements and touch to make music. Everything you thought you could do with an instrument before you can do now, but without it!