4-6 September - New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands
30 August - 1 September - Audio Mostly, Embodied Sound in the Virtual, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
31 May - 3 June - New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2023, Mexico City, Mexico
24-26 May - Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM) 2023, MSH Paris Nord, Saint-Denis, France
16-21 May - 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 2023, Paris, France
21-22 April - Convergence (Workshop), at ARIA - Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts, Antwerp, Belgium
27 March - Journée d'étude Intelligence Artificielle, MSH Paris Nord, France
8 December - Concert du projet BBDMI, with Atau Tanaka, and Robin Dussurget at MSH Paris Nord, Saint-Denis, France
27 Novermber - Monolith, with Sofie Kramer and Mári Mákó, at Audio Art Festival, Cricoteka, Kraków, Poland
15 October - A Pole Tragedy, with Sofie Kramer and Mári Mákó, at Zaal3 - Het Nationale Theater, Den Haag, Netherlands